Keke ~ to a single sun ... Let's talk about the reason for the purchase, and the brain has broken into an ip7 Then the tragedy. With the original headphones can never meet the desire to charge while high song I was beaten by beats Beats Solo3 Wireless. The 12-phase instalment is not interest-free, although one penny is not saved, but how do you feel in the heart?~ In order to match their love, they chose a matte black with a uniform color. Actually, there are many color choices. Vientiane Logistics Three days to think that Taobao's logistics is also the case. There is no special addition to delivery is a big sister `~ Hit the so-called cat electrical city logo do not know if there is cooperation with the flagship store Unpacking and seeing the outline of the box The basic and beats existing products are consistent There is no new idea in packaging design There are some features in the box. I haven't used the Bluetooth series before. I don't know if there will be any big improvement. But the standard charging for five minutes, listening to the song for three hours, is not very mainstream. After opening the built-in black box continues Apple's minimalist style After the black cover is opened, there is a welcome panel and then the main body of the headset Personally think that the package is relatively low and willing to see the plastic shell of the sound engineer. I always feel that this product is like a grocery purse and I don't like pure fabric. Hey ~ Headphone body, feel more detailed workmanship Whether it is shell or sponge feel very good to feel the quality of playing cards, still dislike bags The link is a direct link authorized by ICloud It looks like it can also show the firmware version It is based on the latest M1 chip. Hope there are updates and more powerful features The connection shows the precise power of each device at a glance. It feels like this unified management device feels perfect compatibility. Link is convenient Wireless is no need to worry about the wire Exquisite workmanship Adaptation ios10 compatibility is strong The price is slightly higher compared to the same price of headphones feel technically still lacking The headset package is slightly poor There is no real animal here As for the sound quality, please look forward to the next original Next Next (Finish) 2.0Mm Box Header,Sraight Box Header Connector,Pitch 2.0Mm Height 6.00Mm Box Header Connector,Dual Rows Box Header Connections Material Dongguan City Yuanyue Electronics Co.Ltd , Unpacking box
Brief Introduction
turn on
Inner lid
Headphone package
Accessories details
Accessories collection
Headphone 2
Headphone 1
Link 1
Link 2