The interconnected automotive equipment market is driven primarily by user safety in vehicles, increased demand for premium vehicles and legislation on global automotive electrification. Advances in hardware and software technology have led to the ability to connect cars to each other over the past decade. The global interconnected automotive equipment market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 16.3% from 2016 to 2021 and will reach $57.15 billion by 2021. In addition, there are also forecasts that the global car networking market will exceed 614 billion yuan (RMB) in 2020, and the Chinese market will reach 200 billion yuan. No matter from which point of view, the interconnected car will become a key market in the future, and its impact on people is no less than the impact of the car when it was born. The communication objects of the car can have the following types: Car to car (V2V) Car-to-infrastructure (V2I) Car-to-Pedestrian (V2P) Other (V2C, V2D, V2G) The industry refers to these types of communication as V2X (car to everything communication) Qualcomm defined interconnected vehicle vision There are two main ways to implement V2X communication: Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC: Dedicated Short Range CommunicaTIon) Long distance/cellular network V2V is expected to dominate the automotive V2X market between 2017 and 2022, and is expected to be commercialized by 2019 based on cellular connectivity in accordance with the 3GPP planning process; V2V interactive diagram V2V communication is based on the basic theory of mobile Ad Hoc networks. The basic principle of mobile Ad Hoc networks is shown in the following figure: The basic principle of mobile Ad Hoc networks Mobile network is one of the most important technologies to support universal computing, and it is the basic technology for the development of in-vehicle self-organizing networks. In general, there are two different ways in which wireless mobile units can communicate with one another: an infrastructure-based approach and an Ad hoc mode. Traditionally, wireless mobile networks are based on the cellular concept and rely on good infrastructure support where mobile devices communicate with access points (or base stations) connected to a fixed network infrastructure. Typical examples of such wireless networks are GSM, UMTS, WLL, WLAN, and the like. In recent years, the widespread use of wireless communications and handheld devices has spurred research into ad hoc networks that do not require pre-established infrastructure. These ad hoc networks consist of autonomous nodes that coordinate the transfer of information. Usually these nodes act as both end systems and routers. Ad hoc networks can be broken down into two categories: static and mobile. In a static ad hoc network, once a node becomes part of the network, the location of the node does not change. In a mobile ad hoc network, the system can move at will. Mobile Ad Hoc networks are commonly referred to as MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network). Mobile Ad Hoc networks create the foundation for connectivity between vehicles called vehicle Ad Hoc networks. It is a variant of MANET, the important difference is that the mobile node is a vehicle. Car Ad Hoc Network, VANET In such an environment, due to the limited range of wireless transmissions per mobile host, a mobile host may need to use the help of other hosts to forward data information to its destination. MANET is an important part of communication technology that supports truly ubiquitous computing, because in many cases, the exchange of information between mobile units cannot depend on any fixed network infrastructure, and wireless connections require fast configuration. Next-generation mobile communications will need to include both infrastructure-based wireless networks and infrastructure-free mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANET). V2V standard The vehicle communication network involves four standards. One is that the IEEE 802.11 standards body is currently developing a new revised standard, IEEE 802.11p, to meet the specific application requirements of mobile Ad Hoc networks. This standard is called Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE). 1. IEEE 802.11p WAVE The IEEE 802.11p WAVE shown in the following figure is only part of a set of standards related to all protocol layers of V2V operation. The IEEE 802.11p standard is limited by the scope of IEEE 802.11, which is categorized strictly in accordance with MAC and PHY level standards. V2V standard and communication stack So the second standard here is the IEEE 1609 standard, which is related to the V2V operational concept, which is designed to work with IEEE 802.11p. The third standard was developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE: Society of AutomoTIve Engineers). Their J2735 standard can be placed in the application layer. It defines the set of messages, data frames and elements used for V2V and V2I secure exchange. The fourth type of standard is the cellular network-based C-V2X standard established in 3GPP Rel-14; Cellular network-based C-V2X standard is developed in 3GPP's Rel-14 The IEEE 802.11p WAVE standardization process in the above V2V standard originated from the Dedicated Short Range Communica (DSRC) including the allocation of its spectrum and the techniques used to define the DSRC band. In 1999, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated a 5.9 GHz 75 MHz dedicated short range communication (DSRC) spectrum to vehicle-to-vehicle and infrastructure-to-vehicle communications. The main goal is to enable public safety applications to save lives and improve traffic flow. The FCC also allows private services in the field to reduce deployment costs and encourages rapid development and adoption of DSRC technologies and applications. As shown in the figure below, the DSRC spectrum is constructed as seven 10MHz wide channels. Channel 178 is the Control Channel (CCH) and is limited to secure communications. Two channels at both ends of the spectrum band are reserved for special purposes. The rest are service channels (SCH) that can be used for both secure and non-secure use. US DSRC spectrum and channel Spectrum allocation of global DSRC In the United States, the initial efforts to standardize DSRC radio technology were conducted in a working group of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM: American Society for Tes TIng and Materials). In 2004, the DSRC radio technology moved to the IEEE 802.11 standard group because the work of the two was highly similar. The IEEE 802.11 DSRC is called IEEE 802.11p WAVE. IEEE 802.11p is not an independent standard. It is intended to modify the entire IEEE 802.11 standard. A special implication of moving DSRC radio technology standards into the IEEE 802.11 field is that WAVE is now fully intended as an international standard for the rest of the world and the United States. The IEEE 802.11p standard is intended to: Describe the functions and services required to run WAVE-compliant sites in a rapidly changing environment to exchange messages. Define WAVE signaling techniques and interface functions controlled by IEEE 802.11 MAC. 2. IEEE 1609 The IEEE 1609 series of standards defines the following sections: Architecture, Communication mode, Management structure, Security mechanism and Physical access in high speed (<27 Mb / s), short range (<1000m) and low latency wireless communication in a vehicle environment. The main architectural components defined by these standards are the Onboard Unit (OBU), the Roadside Unit (RSU) and the WAVE interface. 3. SAE J2735 A third important criterion related to vehicle communication is the J2735 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary, maintained by the Society of Automotive Engineers (.org). The SAE standard specifies a set of messages, data frames and data elements that are used exclusively by applications that use the (DSRC / WAVE) communication system. So the scope of this standard is concentrated on the DSRC's message set and data frame. This standard also specifies the structure of the message and provides sufficient background information from the perspective of the application developer executing the message according to the DSRC standard to properly interpret the message definition. The fourth standard, 3GPP's cellular-based C-V2X standard, is specifically introduced later; V2V application Application scenario of V2V communication V2V communication has a large number of application scenarios, mainly related to improving driving safety or traffic efficiency, and providing information or entertainment to drivers. V2V application example 1. Traffic safety A security use case is a situation where there is a security issue when the vehicle enters a scenario that is applicable to the use case. The following security applications are related to V2V communication: Warning to enter or leave the highway Hazardous location warning: find obstacles, report accidents Sudden stop warning: forward collision warning, pre-crash sensing or warning Lane change warning / keep warning / assistance Franchise ambulance, fire truck and police car and many more; Dangerous location warning Privilege fire truck 2. Traffic efficiency The traffic efficiency application scenario is to increase the efficiency of the transportation network by providing information to the owner of the transportation network or the driver on the network. Strengthen route guidance and navigation Intelligent intersection: adaptive traffic light, automatic traffic intersection control, green light optimal speed information Intelligent intersection 3. Information entertainment and payment Electronic payment applications can be easily paid, avoiding congestion caused by charges, and making pricing easier to manage and flexible. Internet service POI notice Toll Parking payment 4, other applications The V2V communication system can support currently available driver assistance systems. With the help of broadcast vehicle parameters, adaptive cruise control and parking navigation functions can be improved. Cooperative adaptive cruise control test vehicle based on V2V. (Source: Toyota) The use of special low-cost roadside units (RSU) can support road sign recognition and improve reliability. In special cases, it provides a safety function for bridge or tunnel height or door width. Another important area of ​​use may be policing and law enforcement. The police can use V2V communication in a variety of ways, such as: Surveillance (eg finding stolen vehicles) Speed ​​measurement and many more In short, the application prospects of V2V are huge, and the current standard of competition is going on!
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