The keyboard scan uses the reverse method to read the key: firstly output the zero level from the high 4 bits of the P2 port, and read the keyboard state from the low 4 bits of the P2 port; then output the zero level from the low 4 bits of the P2 port, from the P2 port The upper 4 bits read the keyboard state and combine the results of the two readings to get the signature of the current key (see the TABLE table in the program). With this table you can program and convert them into sequential code. Use the currently read signatures to sequentially look up the table and use a unit to record the number of lookups. When the signature is found in the table, its location (ie, the number of lookups) is the corresponding order code. The corresponding keyboard check program is as follows: KEY: MOV P2, #0FH ; Use reverse method key MOV A, P2 ANL A, #0FH MOV B, A MOV P2, #0F0H MOV A, P2 ANL A, #0F0H ORL A, B CJNE A, #0FFH, KEY1 RET; no key press KEY1: MOV B, A; There is a key press, save key code MOV DPTR, #TABLE MOV R3, #0FFH; Stored Sequence Code Unit Initialization KEY2: INC R3 MOV A, R3 MOVC A, @A+DPTR CJNE A, B, KEY3; Judge key code, find order code MOV A, R3 ; If a key code is found, save the code RET KEY3: CJNE A, #0FFH, KEY2; RET; Checked, key not found, no key processing TABLE: DB 77H, 7BH, 0BBH ; Key signature table DB 0DBH,7DH,0BDH DB 0DDH,7EH,0BEH DB 0DEH, 0B7H, 0D7H DB 0EEH,0EDH,0EBH DB 0E7H, 0C7H, 0FFH Written in C language #include #include #include #include #include #includeCC.h #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int keysCAN() { Uchar i,h=0xfe; For(i=4,P1=h;i"0;i--) //scan { If((P1&0xf0)!=0xf0) // Is there a key press? { Uchar a; For(a=255;a"0;a--) //Delay {} If((P1&0xf0)!=0xf0) //There is a key press { Uchar key,p; p=P1; For(key=0;key<<16;key++) //check table { Uchar code keytab[]={0xEE,0xDE,0xBE,0x7E, //keycode table 0xED, 0xDD, 0xBD, 0x7D, 0xEB, 0xDB, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xE7, 0xD7, 0xB7, 0x77}; If(p==keytab[key]) // check return key number { P1=0xff; Return(key); } } } } h=_crol_(h,1); P1=h; } P1=0xff; Return(16); // didn't find return 16 } Main() {while(1) {P0=keyscan(); While(1) ; } }
Tobacco control has been a common global concern, while the traditional tobacco industry gradually, new tobacco has become the new strategic layout of tobacco giants. In this context, the emergence of e-cigarettes has further led to the replacement of traditional tobacco. At present, there are already a thousand different types of e-cigarettes, which have undergone several stages of development. The e-cigarette we are introducing today is the CBD pod systewm, a new type of e-cigarette. In this article we will combine the characteristics of the CBD with a brief analysis of it.
According to scientific studies,CBD can help depressed patients reduce their anxiety. The use of CBD can help maintain endogenous cannabinoids at a reasonable level, making the patient feel good and happy physically, and without any dependence.
CBD is very powerful in anti-ageing. As a non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant CBD inhibits the glutamate toxic response of cortical neurons and suppresses excessive oxidative stress, helping the body to achieve anti-ageing effects.
CBD reduces the free radicals that cause neurodegenerative diseases and reduces swelling through its anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, CBD stimulates appetite and relieves pain.
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