The STC89C52 is a low-voltage, high-performance COMOS8 microprocessor with 8K bytes of Programmable Readable Memory (FPEROM-Flash Programable and Erasable Read Only Memory). The device is fabricated using ATMEL's dense-non-volatile memory manufacturing technology and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set and output pins. STC89C52 pin diagram, schematic, as shown below: The STC89C52 pin is described as follows: 1 main power pin (2) VCC (Pin40): power input, connect +5V power supply GND (Pin20): Ground wire 2 external crystal oscillator pins (2) XTAL1 (Pin19): input terminal of the on-chip oscillator circuit XTAL2 (Pin20): output of the on-chip oscillator circuit 3 control pins (4) RST/VPP (Pin9): Reset pin, a high level of 2 machine cycles on the pin will reset the microcontroller. ALE/PROG (Pin30): address latch enable signal PSEN (Pin29): external memory read strobe signal EA/VPP (Pin31): Internal and external strobe of program memory. Connected low to read from external program memory. If connected high, read instruction from internal program memory. 4 programmable input / output pins (32) STC89C52 MCU has 4 groups of 8-bit programmable I/O ports, which are respectively P0, P1, P2, P3, each port has 8 bits (8 pins), a total of 32. PO port (Pin39~Pin32): 8-bit bidirectional I/O port line, named P0.0~P0.7 P1 port (Pin1~Pin8): 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line, named P1.0~ P1.7 P2 port (Pin21~Pin28): 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line, named P2.0~P2.7 P3 port (Pin10~Pin17): 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port line, named P3.0~P3.7 The main functions of the STC89C52 are shown in the following table: Main function Magnetic Transducer External Drive Type
The magnetic transducers (External Drive Type) are
versatile and customizable to different physical sizes, housings, mounting
options, power consumptions. Our magnetic transducers are engineered to be used
with an external drive circuit. This allows our customers the flexibility to
design and customize the circuitry to meet their needs. External circuitry
allows different frequency ranges to be used to create multiple sounds through
excitation waveform. Our magnetic transducers come in a slim-line profile and
are a cost-effective solution. Our extensive capabilities make our magnetic transducers
an excellent solution for high/low tones, siren, and chime sounds.
Piezoelectric Buzzer,Passive Magnetic Buzzer,External Drive Buzzer,Magnetic Transducer External Drive Type Jiangsu Huawha Electronices Co.,Ltd ,