The MPU6050 is the world's first integrated 6-axis motion processing component from InvenSense. Compared to the multi-component solution, it eliminates the problem of inter-axis difference when combining gyroscopes and accelerators, reducing installation space. The MPU6050 integrates a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer, and includes a second IIC interface for connecting external magnetic sensors and utilizing the built-in digital motion processor (DMP: DigitalMoTIonProcessor) hardware acceleration engine through the main IIC Interface to output complete 9-axis fusion calculation data to the application. With DMP, we can use the motion processing database provided by InvenSense to realize the attitude solution very conveniently, which reduces the load of the motion processing operation on the operating system and greatly reduces the development difficulty. Features of the MPU6050 include: 1 Outputs the rotation matrix of the 6-axis or 9-axis (external magnetic sensor) in digital form, quaternion, Euler Angle format (EulerAngleforma) fusion calculation data (requires DMP support) 2 3-axis angular velocity sensor (gyroscope) with 131LSBs/°/sec sensitivity and full-cell sensing range of ±250, ±500, ±1000 and ±2000°/sec 3 integrated programmable control, 3-axis accelerometers in the range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g 4 Remove the sensitivity between the accelerator and the gyroscope axis, reduce the influence of the setting and the drift of the sensor 5 own digital motion processing (DMP: DigitalMoTIonProcessing) engine can reduce the load of MCU complex fusion calculation data, sensor synchronization, posture sensing, etc. 6 Built-in operation time deviation and magnetic sensor calibration calculation technology, eliminating the need for customers to make additional corrections 7 comes with a digital temperature sensor 8 with digital input sync pin (Syncpin) supports video electronic image stabilization technology and GPS 9 Programmable interrupt, support for gesture recognition, panning, zooming in and out, scrolling, fast falling interrupt, high-G interrupt, zero motion sensing, touch sensing, shaking sensing 10VDD supply voltage is 2.5V±5%, 3.0V±5%, 3.3V±5%; VLOGIC can be as low as 1.8V±5% 11 gyroscope working current: 5mA, gyroscope standby current: 5uA; accelerator working current: 500uA, accelerator power saving mode current: 40uA@10Hz 12 comes with 1024 byte FIFO, which helps reduce system power consumption 13 up to 400Khz IIC communication interface 14 ultra-small package size: 4x4x0.9mm (QFN) MPU6050 sensor detection axis shown in Figure 1: Among them, SCL and SDA are the IIC interface to the MCU. The MCU controls the MPU6050 through this IIC interface. There is also an IIC interface: AUX_CL and AUX_DA. This interface can be used to connect external slave devices, such as magnetic sensors, so that they can form a Nine-axis sensor. VLOGIC is the IO port voltage, this pin can be as low as 1.8V, we usually connect directly to VDD. AD0 is the address control pin from the IIC interface (connected to the MCU), which controls the lowest bit of the IIC address. If connected to GND, the IIC address of the MPU6050 is: 0X68. If it is connected to VDD, it is 0X69. Note: The address here does not contain the lowest bit of data transmission (the lowest bit is used to indicate reading and writing)! ! Ceramic Housing Ceramic Housing YANGZHOU POSITIONING TECH CO., LTD. ,
1, mpu6050 basic introduction