National Semiconductor Corp. today announced the availability of two of the industry's most efficient high-current synchronous buck regulators with efficiencies as high as 97%. These LM21212-1 and LM21215 chips provide regulated power for high-performance field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), and microprocessors for low-voltage systems with such circuitry. , including infrastructure such as wireless communications, networking, and fiber-optic communications. To watch a demo video of these two products. Using National's WEBENCH Power Designer power design tool or WEBENCH FPGA Power Architect field programmable gate array power system architecture design tool allows engineers to complete the entire system design in minutes. National Semiconductor will showcase the LM21212-1 and LM21215 chips from March 6th to 10th at the Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition (APEC) in Fort Worth, Texas. APEC is one of the most prestigious conferences in the industry, and many power system design experts will attend this event. The LM21212-1 and LM21215 high-current buck regulators are the latest additions to National's PowerWise energy-efficient chip family, featuring high-end and low-side FETs to simplify design and reduce solutions. volume. The output current of the LM21212-1 chip is up to 12A, and the switching frequency can be adjusted simultaneously. The LM21215 chip can continuously output up to 15A of current, while the current limit can be set by the resistor to achieve the best power density in the industry. If a 5V input voltage is used to provide an output voltage of 3.3V, the highest efficiency of both products can reach 97% or more; if the input voltage of 5V is used to provide an output voltage of 1.2V, the efficiency can reach 92% or more. Operating at a typical 5V input voltage, 1.2V output voltage, 10A current, 500kHz switching frequency, and ambient temperature of 25oC, these regulators are 3% to 5% more efficient than comparable products, while chassis temperatures It is 10 degrees lower (in Celsius) than similar products. National Semiconductor's new synchronous buck regulator features The LM21212-1 and LM21215 are single-chip synchronous buck regulators in a small package measuring only 4.4mm x 6.5mm x 0.9mm. The LM21212-1 chip can continuously output up to 12A, the switching frequency can be adjusted to synchronize with the external oscillator, and is suitable for the frequency range between 300kHz and 1.5MHz. The LM21215 chip delivers up to 15A at a fixed switching frequency of 500kHz. Both regulators are extremely efficient and operate from an input voltage range of 2.95V to 5.5V with an output voltage as low as 0.6V. The built-in voltage mode control loop has excellent noise rejection and a very low duty cycle, so as long as it is compensated, the system remains stable regardless of the output capacitor, which greatly increases the design flexibility. Make the chip easy to use. The user can also set the peak current for the overcurrent protection function. The built-in overvoltage protection circuit can improve the stability of the system, while the high precision enable pin and undervoltage lockout function can strictly control the startup of the chip and ensure the chip is in the order. powered by. Both regulators have a soft-start circuit with an internal voltage fixed and an external voltage adjustable to limit the inrush current generated during startup. At the same time, both products provide a monotonic start-up for the pre-biased load, preventing reverse current from occurring when the internal soft-start clamp on the feedback pin exceeds this point. . The built-in power good circuit also supports fault detection and sequential powering. Since the output voltages of both regulators can be configured to track higher voltage rails with the SS/TRK pin, both chips are suitable for multi-supply power architectures. National Semiconductor's WEBENCH Designer design tool National's WEBENCH Designer design tool uses powerful software algorithms and a user-friendly visual interface that allows system designers to design power, lighting, and sensing circuits or systems in minutes and seconds. The WEBENCH Designer design tool is available in six languages ​​and all are free to use. This tool was introduced as early as 1999, and more than 1.5 million engineers have used this tool to solve complex circuit design problems. Price and availability National Semiconductor's latest buck regulators are available in a more thermally-cooled 20-pin TSSOP package and are available now in volume quantities of 1,000 units. The LM21212-1 chip is priced at $3.85 each, while the LM21215 chip is priced at $4.15. The LM21212-1 chip has an adjustable switching frequency version and will be available in volume in March 2011. National Semiconductor's online photo library has high-resolution photos of these products for download. Gear Sensor has been widely used in the automotive and industrial field, which is important to the measurement of velocity, angel, angular velocity, direction of rotation. Gear Sensor,Custom Gear Sensor,Gear Sensor 3 Pins,Good Gear Sensor Yuheng Optics Co., Ltd.(Changchun) ,