Phosphor Studio’s VR horror shooting game, The Brookhaven Experiment, was initially launched on the HTC Vive in July 2016 and then landed in Oculus Rift and psvr in late 2016. Now, Phosphor Studio has brought the experience to the mobile end. The Brookhaven Experiment has officially launched Gear VR today. Brookhaven Labs came to the Gallery Apps page in Oculus Home today. In this first-person shooter game, the player needs to defeat wave after wave of enemies in the night scene, and the items in his hands are only guns and torches. One of the biggest differences between the mobile version and the PC version is the visual fidelity. In order to support mobile devices, game developers have significantly reduced the picture quality of games. The Gear VR version on the Oculus Store costs £5.99 (US$7.99) and supports the touchpad and the latest 3-DOF controller. PTC Thermistor for Overcurrent Protection for Telecom PTC Thermistor ,Thermistor,Thermistor for Overcurrent Protection ,PTC Thermistor YZPST YANGZHOU POSITIONING TECH CO., LTD. ,