Check out the seven technologies of 2017 and see what happened in the past year.

This article is produced by NetEase Smart Studio (public number smartman 163). Focus on AI and read the next big era!

[Netease smart news December 30 news] 2017 is about to become the past, the latest Apple iPhone has been released, the US technology media TNW author has been replaced by robots. Now is the time to look back on 2017. We will settle in during the holidays and lie in bed warmly and comfortably. There will be various password bubbles in our minds. Here, we have gathered the technological breakthroughs that we were lucky enough to cover in 2017. We hope that this will motivate you to design greater products in 2018.

1. Quantum Computer Comes True

Practical quantum computers are no longer the stuff of future science fiction. IBM, Google, and Microsoft are all developing similar systems as an incredible power prototype for future machines. In 2017, IBM's quantum system performed an unprecedented simulation. The company’s researchers established a 50-qubit quantum system and we can't wait to see what they will do in 2018.

In China, we have seen the first step toward the future of the Internet. Scientists can use quantum invisible transmission technology to send encrypted information on the Earth to space satellites. This is like someone who only used a rotary dialing phone, suddenly born in a world that can communicate through quantum entanglement, will absolutely make him feel incredible.

2.AI is ready to become mainstream

If you despise the laws of physics will not scare you, then killer robots may. We are closer than ever to the dreams of Isaac Asimov and George Lucas, robots are increasingly worrying. In 2017, when we stopped talking about the final rise of the machine, we were busy wondering about the progress of machine learning. Google's artificial intelligence (AI) began to develop better AI programs than the researchers who created it. Facebook's AI began to create its own language. In addition, the machine learned to draw.

AI has been used to detect cancer, but it is also used to exploit porn to exploit women. If this is not enough, there are developers who decide to create religion to worship the machine. We are worried about the fate of humans. Will you read this article in 2018: We love the owners of new robots!

3. The car can drive by itself

We spent half a year trying to predict when the driverless car will become a reality, and the other half have begun to experience them. Driverless cars in Arizona, United States, have been mixed with conventional transportation. The Las Vegas bus became the first free driverless public transport and was immediately involved in the accident. Like most accidents, humans need to take primary responsibility.

4. Researchers embed animated GIFs in live bacteria

Researchers have successfully embed animated GIFs into the genes of living bacteria. Why do you want to do this? Because they can. After all, this is science!

5. Scientists turn worms into semi-robots

Ray Kurzweil, a famous futurist, once predicted that humanity will merge with technology in the coming decades. In 2017, some researchers fused computer chips with their brains. Through the invasion of insects, they can use computers to control and "drive" them.

6. Super high-speed rail is expected to become a reality

The journey from Los Angeles to New York will take only a few hours in the future. Before 2017, the idea of ​​“super high-speed rail” only existed on paper or was speculative. However, several successful tests in 2017 proved the feasibility of this technology, and suddenly the "super-high-speed rail" became extremely true. Virgin Hyperloop One announced plans for the construction of these underground tunnels around the world. But there is still a lot of speculation as to where the first "super-high speed train" will be built (who will build it).

7. Google Pixel 2 changed the game

Even before Google activated the dormant AI chip in its device, Pixel 2 still surprised us. We spent a couple of hours watching it with gorgeous effects and amazing quality. If Google's Pixel 2 becomes the hallmark of digital photography, DSLR cameras will be officially replaced. However, AI may need to make greater progress to replace SLR cameras.

(From: thenextweb Compilation: NetEase See Compilation Robot Review: Little)

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