[Photo] 50W amplifier with LM3886


Make 50W amplifier with LM3886

LM3886 is a new high-fidelity high-power music IC with protection from overvoltage and overtemperature, which is simple and easy to manufacture. Its performance is as follows:

VCC = ± 28V OUTPUT = 68W / 4Ω, 38W / 8Ω

· VCC = ± 35V OUTPUT = 50W / 8Ω

· Peak power: 135W

· Signal to noise ratio ≥92db

· Conversion rate: 19V / us

· Intermodulation distortion: 0.04%

· 11-pin TO-220 package

· Mute function

· SPiKeTM protection function

There are two models of LM3886: LM3886TF and LM3886T, the former heat sink is insulated, the latter is not insulated.

The following figure is the application circuit diagram provided by National Semiconductor Corporation:

LM3886.gif (5568 bytes)

how about it? Simple. The following is a list of components:

R1: 1KΩ 1 / 4W gold film

RM: 33KΩ 1 / 4W gold film

Ri: 1KΩ 1 / 4W gold film

Rf1: 20KΩ 1 / 4W gold film

R6: 10Ω / 3W

L: 0.7uH Use Φ1 enameled wire to make 4 rounds on the signature pen, just remove it

Ci: 10uF / 35V tantalum capacitor

All other capacitors are 100uF / 50V electrolytic capacitors

Potentiometer is 10KΩ finger

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