Source codec technology of high-definition digital TV

Source codec technology of high-definition digital TV

In order to display 1920 × 1080i HDTV high-definition program images, its digitized bit rate is as high as 995Mbit / s during transmission, which is much larger than the current analog TV transmission information. Therefore, the image of high-definition digital TV cannot be directly transmitted like the image of analog TV, but an additional digital compression coding process is required. The main function of the video coding technology is to complete the compression of the image, so that the signal transmission volume of the high-definition digital TV is reduced from 995Mbit / s to 20 ~ 30Mbps or even lower content information volume; so only digital signal processing such as digital compression and digital transmission technology Technology can realize the broadcast of HDTV. Among them, the United States, Europe and Japan have adopted the MPEG-2 standard.

With the advancement of technology, MPEG-2 completed in 1994 now appears to be lagging behind with the advancement of technology.
H.264 / AVC (MPEG Part 10) to replace the current MPEG-2. In China, the Digital Audio and Video Coding Standard Working Group has formulated the AVS standard for digital TVs and high-definition laser disc players. It has independent intellectual property rights, is fully compatible with the MPEG-2 standard, and is also compatible with the H.264 international standard. The basic layer, whose compression level is said to reach 2 to 3 times the MPEG-2 standard, and compared with H.264, AVS's more concise design reduces the complexity of chip implementation.

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